Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tool 11-Reflections

I really enjoyed the Wordl, Jing, and You Tube sites. I need a great deal more practice and will spend more time working on my skills. I plan to use a these three sites with my students when time permits.
I realize I need more help getting into the technology area, but I will keep trying. I know that students will be able to do more with computers, but I still want them to be able to sing, play instruments, and listen to music "in person".
I knew going into this project that I needed more knowledge about computer. Now I know I need a lot of knowledge.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Janet. I did refer to your blog while I was completing my 11 Tools. I consider myself pretty savvy on the computer even though 11 Tools taught me new things. So if you ever need help, support, let me know. - Meredith
