Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tool 11-Reflections

I really enjoyed the Wordl, Jing, and You Tube sites. I need a great deal more practice and will spend more time working on my skills. I plan to use a these three sites with my students when time permits.
I realize I need more help getting into the technology area, but I will keep trying. I know that students will be able to do more with computers, but I still want them to be able to sing, play instruments, and listen to music "in person".
I knew going into this project that I needed more knowledge about computer. Now I know I need a lot of knowledge.

Tool 8

I have two videos that I wanted to post. I have my You Tube account, but I was having trouble getting the video to my blog. I have talked to Karen Justl and she is going to come to my school on Thursday to help me. I really want to learn how to do all of this tech business.
I finally learned how to use the blog and these two videos are from You Tube.
Students will be able to view these videos when we study American Music History and Opera.

5 Black Keys---"Amazing Grace"

Duet for Cats---Rosinni

Monday, August 9, 2010

Tool 11

First, students should learn what being a good citizen is their daily life. This information should then translate to computer citizenship. Being polite is something everyone needs whether on computers or talking face-to-face. Students should learn to use appropriate language so that remarks cannot be misinterpreted. Their readers canont see the body language and many statements might seem cold. Students need to know that some sites are not appropiate and should be careful which sites they answer. Teachers can "teach" good citizenship by modeling it in their classrooms.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Tool 10

I have the apps on my iPhone and have had a chance to view some different sites dealing with music. One that I found interesting was Shazam, where I can have the phone "listen" to a song and then give me the title. I know there are other apps the I can apply to my class.

Tool 6

I have used Wikipedia to find information I could use in my music classes. I now know that there are other Wikis I can use and give that information to my students. We will not be able to use this in my room because of time constraints Students can be given a topic and then research it when they have the class time to do it.